Кристина Россетти : The Goblin Market and Other Poems

Кристина Россетти The Goblin Market and Other Poems
Писатель - Кристина Россетти
Год: 2018
Ответственный редактор - Михаил Глуховской
Объем - 477
Оформитель - Архип Даниилович Гамезардашвили
Формат - pdf, txt, epub, fb2

Описание: The Goblin Market and Other Poems

In this representative collection of Christina Rossetti’s poems we find a vast array of narrative tales, love lyrics, sonnets, hymns, ballads, and sprightly verses for children. Ranked among the finest English poets of the nineteenth century, Christina Rossetti is a widely read, though not widely imitated poet, recognized for her devotional poetry, influenced by the religious conservatism and asceticism of the Church of England. This collection of poems includes her most renowned work, “Goblin Market”, a narrative poem which tells the tale of two sisters, Laura and Lizzie, who are tempted by river goblins. Also included in this collection is “The Prince’s Progress”, a tragic tale of loss concerning a princess awaiting the return of her prince. Rossetti’s poetry is remarkable for its clarity and simplicity of diction in dealing with themes of truth, beauty, love, death, heavenly joys, earthly pleasures, and purity of faith. All together seventy-one poems are contained herein “The Goblin Market and Other Poems”, a collection of endearing works of inward contemplation and timeless vision which will inspire and delight readers of all ages. Читать полную книгу The Goblin Market and Other Poems автора Кристина Россетти.

  • Кристина Россетти : The Goblin Market and Other Poems

  • Кристина Россетти : The Goblin Market and Other Poems
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